

Iran’s higher education system
Students who have successfully completed one year of Peeshdaneshgahe, or pre-university, and who have passed the Konkur, or National Entrance Examination, are eligible for further education in Iran. A bachelor’s degree, Karshenasi, or license is awarded upon completion of a four-year university program, which normally takes place between the ages of 18 and 22.

Between September and June, academic terms are held in Iranian universities. The academic year is split into two parts, called semesters or course credits, and classes are held from Saturday through Thursday.


Iran is a great place to study.
Chemistry, medicine, engineering, and physics are the fields in which Iranian universities are most well-known. To study the history and culture of the area, many international students travel to Iran. For state-funded universities in Iran, admittance to postsecondary programs is extremely tough. With the exception of those attending Islamic Azad University, which is self-funded and hence independent from the state budget, most students who are accepted to universities do not pay for tuition or boarding.

Some people choose to go to Iran to study in order to acquire the language, get a better understanding of the culture, or perhaps get ready for a career in diplomacy with Iran and other Middle Eastern nations.


Be informed that in 2012, more than 70 different degree programs in Iran were closed to female students. The official justification is that the state has opted to only allow men to enroll in these courses, which essentially restricts them to one gender. It’s important for female students who want to study abroad in Iran to be sure they can enroll in the courses they want.

Iranian Universities of Note

The University of Tehran, Tarbiat Modarres University, Iran University of Science and Technology, and Shiraz University are just a few of Iran’s well-known universities to take into account. Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, or Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences can be of interest to students interested in a career in medicine.

Opportunities for International Students to Study
Although there are no language prerequisites to study in Iran, Persian is the medium of instruction. In order to succeed in these programs, students must be able to read, write, and converse effectively in Persian. Although there are several programs accessible to overseas students in Iran, Persian study courses and Islamic studies sources are the most popular. International Muslims who wish to study Islam in Iran may be eligible for scholarships that cover their living expenses throughout their studies while also covering tuition, boarding, and medical costs.


Visa requirements for students

Foreign people who want to study in Iran can apply for student visas. A passport that is valid for six months, two recent photos, and two application forms are required.

The University of Tehran now charges international students tuition rates of between $7,000 and $9,000 per year for undergraduate courses and between $6,500 and $8,200 for graduate studies. In contrast, non-Iranian students pursuing degrees in Persian Language and Literature or Iranian Studies may receive an additional 15% discount, and those who are admitted to Master’s or Doctoral programs may receive discounts equal to 50% of tuition (a total of 65% for graduate students in Persian Language and Literature or Iranian Studies). These costs, however, do not include those for lodging, meals, or insurance.

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